a mother's perspective on leading on the high holidays

by Leah Bieler

After a couple of years' hiatus, I'm back to leading high holiday services this year. It's always been complicated, managing this and still having a family holiday. In today's Forward, I describe how leading is different for me than for my teachers.


When I was a little girl, my father always led the shacharit (morning service) on the High Holidays. The tunes permeated our house, beginning whenever he decided the season should. Sometimes he started ‘practicing’ as early as Purim. He knew it all nearly by heart, and even as a young child, I sensed that he didn’t really need the practice, except as a way to begin to focus his mind on the task ahead.

I also remember watching as the cantor would prepare himself in the days and weeks before Rosh Hashanah. He would be careful only to speak when absolutely necessary so as to save his voice. And the morning of that first day, he would don that funny looking crown, and his whole demeanor would change. He would sit, ramrod straight in his oversized clergy throne, and you could feel the gravity of the day radiating from his face.

And then there’s me.

Read more: http://forward.com/life/faith/382661/leading-high-holiday-services-and-catching-a-break-from-motherhoods-demands/