who knew I was a terrorist?

by Leah Bieler

I took my big girl to college last week. We all agreed it should be me because I'm much less sentimental than my husband. The two of us had a lovely, if very exhausting time. No crying, multiple visits to Target. She's gonna do great, I have no doubt. But, as luck would have it, I discovered something while we were traveling together. I just might be a terrorist. 


A Rosh Hashanah tale.

Here’s the strange story of what happened in the airport on my way to drop my eldest off for her first year of college. We were through security early, and more than a little hungry. As I’ve done dozens of times while traveling with my family, I left her at the gate with the bags, and I went to forage for some food that fit our various dietary requirements.

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Shooing away the birds

by Leah Bieler

I'm supposed to be excited about the embassy move to Jerusalem, which we all know is the capital city. But it's not turning out the way everyone hoped it would have. 


Maybe I just never noticed them before. I’ve been spending more time writing on my covered front porch, having recently acquired some comfy outdoor seating. It seems there are at least four birds’ nests in my field of vision from my own cushy perch. Likely there are more. I shouldn’t be surprised, living out here in the wilderness nearly 25(!) minutes outside of Boston. We have deer – sometimes as many as 15 or 20 at a time, foxes, wild turkeys, groundhogs, owls. It’s a regular wild kingdom. Most of them keep a small but respectable distance from the front door.

The birds, though, have a little more chutzpah. They fly directly over my head as they journey from nest to nest, some atop the porch pillars themselves, feeding the babies whose beaks peek out of the top, spread wide open ready to accept their bounty.

If you think this sounds idyllic, then maybe I didn’t describe it correctly. The birds are flying right above my head.

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which box should I check?

by Leah Bieler

There's been a fair amount of hand-wringing in the American Jewish community about why support for Israel is flagging in our community. But there doesn't seem to be the same kind of introspection coming from the Israeli side. In today's TOI I explore what it means to be the kind of person who never quite fits in.


“Among large sections of American Jewry, there is a real question today about how much Israel is home to them”
– Alan Hoffman, director-general of the Jewish Agency, speaking in Ha’aretz, 22 January 2018

I had to fill out a form recently for one of my kids. It asked whether said child was White, Hispanic, Asian or Pacific Islander, Black or African American or Hawaiian. And, as is the case every time I encounter one of these questions and there’s no box for ‘other,’ I’m stymied.


Is this really worth bothering about? They most likely want to know if I tick off any of the enumerated ‘non-White’ categories, anyway. And while I’ve never experienced myself as White per se, I understand the privilege that I have. That I have benefited in so many ways by virtue of my not being seen as belonging in one of those ‘non-White’ boxes.


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thinking and praying

by Leah Bieler

Dear Republican politicians -



Thoughts and prayers. Thinking and praying. A whole lot of Jews in America, and around the world, spent many hours in the past week and a half doing just that. Thinking and praying.


In order to ensure our complete focus, we fast. Traditionally, we fast not once, but twice in one seven day period. And we apologize. For all of our bad behavior, big or small. We look people in the eye, and make promises to do better.


Swathed in our cloaks of ascetic righteousness, we literally beat our breasts as we confess our communal sins. It’s all very dramatic, made even more so by our dry mouths and rumbling bellies. Usually someone faints, and an ambulance is quietly summoned. It can all make a person feel quite virtuous, really, this thinking and praying.


The rabbis knew this. That there would be danger in our self-satisfaction. So they chose a reading from the prophets - not about repentance, or forgiveness - but about the false picture we paint of ourselves on Yom Kippur. The prophet castigates, quoting God:


Is such the fast I desire? A day for men to starve their bodies? Is it bowing the head like a bulrush, and lying in sackcloth and ashes? Do you call that a fast?...No, this is the fast I desire: To unlock fetters of wickedness, and untie the cords of the yoke. To let the oppressed go free...it is to share your bread with the hungry, and to take the wretched poor into your home; When you see the naked, to clothe him, and not to ignore your own kin. (Isaiah 58, 5-7)


Thoughts and prayers that don’t spur us to act are an insult. Prayer is a powerful tool for introspection, for building community, for developing a relationship with the divine. But when other people are hurting - they can’t eat our prayers. They can’t be comforted by our thoughts. Prayer is an essentially selfish act. It only stops being selfish if it changes your perspective, if it helps remind you what your responsibilities are to others.


I remember watching my children after the tragedy at Sandy Hook. We lived only a half hour drive away from the scene, and their own school did repeated lockdown drills in the aftermath. But my kids weren’t stupid. Their spread-out leafy New England prep school campus had been a selling point. But now, they became anxious. How can anyone protect all these buildings? What if someone with a gun appears as we’re walking along the paths? Unless the school had been willing to have the children constantly accompanied from one class to another with groups of well trained armed guards - I really had nothing to tell them.


Americans are not just naturally more violent, more callous, more murderous than people from other countries around the world. There is nothing in our DNA that causes the proliferation of gun violence. But none of those countries has an NRA, a gun manufacturer’s lobby that pays too small a price for your silence. The right to bear arms does not trump literally every other right. The right not to live in fear. The right to walk to class without armed guards. The right to our actual lives.


No more thoughts. No more prayers. Nobody cares what’s in your heart. Enough praying and thinking, thinking and praying. It won’t save a single life. Act, stand up against those craven gun salesmen, or be complicit in every murder, every suicide, every stupid, senseless ‘accident’ that follows.